Sacred Breath Facilitator Ceremonial Starter Kit

For the many who ask about the specific items I use in Breathwork Ceremony, or if you are a SBA Facilitator, here is a list:

Essential Oils, Anointing Oils and Mists


Rose Water

Sun Potion Solar Rose Water


Sacred Smudging Herbs

Palo Santo

Palo Santo, literally meaning “holy wood” in Spanish, is a tree that is widely distributed throughout Central and South America. Palo Santo is used in South America in much the same way as White Ceremonial Sage is used in North America- to dissolve negative energy and to cleanse the space. Palo Santo is different than many of the other smudging materials as it is fragrant in its raw form and does not necessarily need to be lit, though it usually is when being used for ceremonial purposes. Palo Santo is often used by Amazonian shamans in sacred plant spirit ceremonies; the rising smoke of the lit sticks is believed to enter the energy field of ritual participants to clear the space and protect the energies. Its use reportedly dates back to the Inca era.

Traditionally, only the fallen branches and twigs of the tree are harvested, and this practice is regulated by the government of Peru to ensure that the trees do not become overharvested. Unfortunately, as Palo Santo has become more popular, the illegal harvesting and cutting of trees has also greatly increased. Consequently, if you are purchasing wildharvested Palo Santo, it is important to do so from an ethical wildcrafter.

I work with Palo Santo ONLY from sustainably-harvested brands. Because it is now on the endangered species list, it should be used extremely rarely, ceremonially and with intention.

2 brands for Palo Santo I trust are: Our goal is to regenerate the wild forest where Palo Santo grows. By supporting eco-projects we are all contributing to poverty alleviation, sustainability, the preservation of ethnobotanical knowledge, local economic development plant-based. Here at Sacred Wood Essence, we practice deep respect for Palo Santo (Bursera Graveolens). This “Holy Wood” from South America has the power to purify living spaces, soothe frayed nerves, and delight the senses. It also brings livelihood to our partner communities who gather and steward it in their homelands. Please allow us to share our sustainability and fair trade practices with you, our honored customers… When a Palo Santo tree falls in the Ecuadorian forest, we plant more! Since our inception in 2008, Sacred Wood Essence has worked with our partner communities to plant tens of thousands Palo Santo trees, ensuring abundance for generations to come. Our partner communities never cut down Palo Santo trees. In fact, it is illegal to do so under Ecuador’s strict conservation laws. After strong annual storms knock Palo Santo trees down, the fallen wood must remain on the forest floor for up to a decade to allow the aromatic resins to develop and cure. Gathering Palo Santo has brought livelihood to many families in the Ecuadorian coastal forests. We believe that when communities earn just livelihood in harmony with nature, everyone benefits. We take our role as facilitators of this interwoven relationship seriously at Sacred Wood Essence. The Palo Santo offered by Mountain Rose Herbs comes from a 50 acre farm in Ecuador that contains both naturally occurring and replanted Palo Santo. They have replanted over 5000 Palo Santo trees on the land so far to ensure adequate supply for the future.

White Sage

White sage is a flowering perennial that is native to the Southwestern United States. This plant loves to grow on sunny, arid slopes and has tall woody stems and tiny white flowers. White sage exists only in a relatively small range in southern California. Much of its limited range has been affected by human development.

Mountain Herbs is again a brand I trust for White Sage.

Their note on White Sage:

White sage leaves are often rolled into a large bundle and burned as an incense to purify physical spaces. This popularity has unfortunately led to the overharvesting of this plant, with the ongoing droughts in California also negatively affecting stands of white sage and slowing the recovery rate. Many prominent herbalists have suggested that enthusiasts consider growing their own. Mountain Rose Herbs is committed to the long term sustainability of this precious botanical. We pledge to purchase only material that has been organically cultivated or consciously collected with the long-term health of the wild stands being the guiding factor.

Options Incude:

Loose Leaf Sage


Smudge Sticks


Frankincense and Copal Resin for Burning and Opening the Space


Frankincense and the oil produced from it has been known for its magical powers and its ability to improve communication with the creator in the Middle East for thousands of years before it was made a gift of to Christ by the Magi. There are over 52 references to it in the Bible. Egyptian records show a great many references to it including its use in cosmetics, perfumes and as an embalming agent. The harvest of gums and resins takes place during the dry season, as they are easily damaged by rain. A number of incisions are made into the bark, and the gum resins are allowed to ooze out and solidify for a few weeks. The harvesters then return to each tree to collect the resin. The resins are then transported to local villages where they are further dried in the shade.


Copal is a name given to tree resins from a variety of genera; many of which are identified with the aromatic resins used by the cultures of pre-Columbian Mesoamerica as ceremonially burned incense. More generally, the term copaldescribes resinous substances in an intermediate stage of polymerization and hardening between "gummier" resins and amber. The word copal is derived from the Nahuatl word copalli, meaning "incense". Copal has long been used in ancient Maya and Aztec ceremonies as a ritual offering to the gods. It is still used by a number of indigenous people in southern Mexico and Central America during sweat lodge ceremonies as well as sacred mushroom ceremonies. Copal is also found in East Africa and Indonesia.

Sweet Grass


Medicine Drum

22 inch Remo Buffalo Drum



Shamanic Rattle


Koshi Wind Chimes

My favorite is the water element!


Sound Bowls

I love working with the chalices of Sound Bowl Alchemy. They create amazing Monatomic Etherium Crystal Bowls. (Contact us for a discount code)

- Kaya Leigh, Founder of SBA

Kaya Danielle Leigh