Sacred Wounds

Sacred Wounds

“I am blooming from the wound where I once bled.” — Rune Lazuli

Our wounds are sacred and serve a vital role in our personal journey through the earth plane. We cannot rob ourselves of this precious gift of inner alchemy and discovery by avoiding them. We must be courageous enough to go in, not around; to turn toward, not away.

Because the only way out is through (in)...

Our wounds are the doorway to our healing. Through tending to our wounds, we learn how to radically care for, love and accept ourselves on the intimate-most levels. And as we learn how to care for ourselves, we discover how to care for all of existence, respecting and honoring all aspects of manifest life. In this process, we ultimately discover that there is both a universal source of all wounds and a universal remedy which heals them.  

That remedy is found in the investigation of our personal relationship with ourselves, life and the divine; through the alchemical process of listening to the wisdom in the wound. Our wounds are continuously speaking to us, reminding us of something precious we forgot, uncompromising in their resolve to serve us as lifelines to our rightful home in the eternal continuum of Love. 

When we incarnated into this reality, we were born into the dream of the world- a dream which has been predominantly unconscious for thousands of years. Somewhere, in the distant past, the dreamers of this world forgot who they were, giving birth to a growing ache and yearning with the heart of humanity. This pain is the wound of the world, and each of us continues to carry an aspect of this wound inside of ourselves until we choose to invoke the innate remedy of remembrance, and reclaim our capacity to dream from the truth of love’s victory over fear.

Each one of us has chosen specific circumstances, families, and genetic lineages which have provided our soul with unique challenges and experiences in this lifetime, especially within a world that does not yet honor life, itself or its people. Our sacred work is thus to explore the ways our personal dreaming has been conditioned by the unconscious dream of the world, and to germinate the seeds of potential that live within of each of us. We begin this by surrendering our fears onto the altar of the great mystery, in a prayerful embrace of the innate benevolence of life. It is an act of true faith by way of the magnificence which surrounds us, if we have the eyes to see it.

Through this process of reclaiming our personal narrative, we often discover that we carry a unique medicine which inevitably becomes our gift to the world. And as we surrender to an ever-deepening love, we are imbued with an unending desire to uplift and inspire others to do the same. Through this beautiful and fulfilling path, we fulfill our soul’s intention for this incarnation through the alchemization of the wound into the offering. ©

— Written by Kaya Leigh, Founder of Sacred Breath Academy


NOTE: ALL WORDS ARE COPYRIGHTED (and birthed from our mind/heart/soul), unless the source is clearly cited otherwise. Please think again before taking our words as your own, as dozens have been doing over the years. This is our deepest life’s work. Please respect and honor it as sacred.

© 2021 BY KAYA LEIGH AND SACRED BREATH ACADEMY. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. All content is for your personal reference and is not intended to be shared, copied or otherwise distributed. Doing so is an infringement of copyrighted intellectual property. Small quotes may be shared and cited as 'Sacred Breath Academy' with permission. 

Kaya Danielle Leigh